It’s that time of year again where we can all start beginning to prepare for the iconic Stir Up Sunday! Dating back to the Victorian Age, this tradition is something we still to this day, look forward to each year, where we take each delicious ingredient for a Christmas Pudding and stir it up in a bowl with the family on one of the last Sundays of November. Once stirred this is left until Christmas Day so every flavour, whether its fruit or alcohol, can develop beautifully up until December 25th.
So, bring together your loved ones and stir in each of the ingredients, whilst making a wish for the upcoming year. More importantly, look forward to a delicious treat on the horizon! You could even toss a coin into the mix and whoever finds the serving within their portion is destined for wealth in 2024…
We have searched for the perfect recipe so you’ll be guaranteed the best Christmas Pudding this year, and Martha Collinson has crafted one of the most indulgent bakes that we should all give a go this Stir Up Sunday.
Find the delicious recipe here: